Monday, March 5, 2012


I'm not sure why I seem to have problems with my pregnancy, but again I get preeclampsia and was induced at 37 weeks. Amy came out March 1, 2012 weighing 6lbs 2 oz and 19 1/4 inches long. My labor was only 6 hours, but was scaring as we came close to losing Amy. Luckily she came out with two measly pushes and is our tiny "peanut" as all the nurses would say. We sure love her :)

1 comment:

Heather Curtis said...

First of all, nice pic with the oxygen mask (I hate that thing!) :) And WOW, Amy was white when she came out. I remember my children being covered in red and purples and Trayden was seriously blue, but never white. Maybe that is a three week early trait. And can I just say that I LOVE that first picture. She is practically smiling and is SO adorable. She is so small and cute. And I LOVE the ones with Chad and you with Amy. You all just look so happy and great. I am excited for you!