Saturday, February 12, 2011

Shooting with the Stars

Today Autumn, Laine and I decided that it was warm enough to make a little venture outside to participate in a little target shooting. I've been itching to "play" with my two guns that I have had all winter and Autumn was finally convinced that it would be kind of fun. Autumn actually shot first while Laine watched from the car so it wouldn't be too noisy. She ended up hitting the bulls eye with 5 out of her 6 shots. I've never actually shot that well so I was a little embarrassed when I didn't hit the bulls eye once the whole time (I did however manage to shoot the leg of my stand up target thing in half). It was fun, Laine didn't quite know what to think every time a shot went off. He couldn't decide if he should ignore it or be upset. It didn't last too long before we headed back home.


Heather Curtis said...

Go Autumn! Sweet Nelly... don't get in her way! At least Laine will be protected from danger. I have never shot a gun in my life so maybe I'll have to take lessons from her when I finally decide to discover that wild side. You have a fun little fam!

Robert & Amber Salmon said...

I like how you decided it wasn't that cold outside when there is snow all around. And way to show Chad up Autumn, especially after he showed us all up when we went shooting.

Chad and Autumn's Family said...

we should all go shooting... apparently mom's never shot a gun. -Autumn