Friday, February 18, 2011

Arts and Crafts

My friend Sharlee and her sister make binky holders so Hannah and I attempted to copy their ways. They did turn out pretty good except I cracked the pearl button on mine and Hannah scratched hers. Laine wasn't to happy with the smells and the lack of attention, but I decided to take his picture any way :) As for the plunger... we bought it as a gift/joke for friends of ours and decided to put a homemade bow on the handle. That's it for the arts and crafts this week...

1 comment:

The Lords said...

Looks like fun! Next time hammer your pearl snaps inbetween a towel or thin blanket and it will not crack or scratch.
OR they sell snap setters for $10 at walmart. :) (Or you could just come borrow mine)
