Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Move to Colorado

As many of you already know we have now moved to Colorado and are currently living with Chad's parents till we find out what is happening with Dental School Applications. So we'll most likely be here till September... Moving from Rexburg where we've lived for a little over three years was sad, but I guess we all have to grow up sometime. The trip here wasn't too bad, but we looked like Hill-billies with the truck loaded super high and a U-Haul on back :) It is super fun being here with all the family around, activities to do, and people for Laine and I to play with. Problem is I still feel like I'm just visiting for Christmas vacation...

1 comment:

Heather Curtis said...

It is weird for me that you are not in Rexburg. I feel like you are still only 4 hours away and you're not :( Colorado just seems too far. Even though you didn't live by me, I miss you. The truck looked way good though. Ha. I can't wait to see you guys and Mr. Cutie Pants Laine again!