Thursday, September 15, 2011

Random Stuff around the House

Chad and I are moving to Colorado in December and are planning on staying with his parents for several months. So before we move we are trying to sell a few things. First thing to go was the large fish tank and stand that Chad built... it was super sad to watch it leave with half our fish, but we still kept a few in a new smaller tank. Also watch out Christiansen family when we come because Laine will soon be walking. He is super fast going along walls and furniture and can sadly make it everywhere in the house by walking! I'm learning real fast how the bathroom door is a great one to keep closed :) Another Random Fact... Laine got his first haircut last night...


Heather Curtis said...

I'm glad you took pictures. I am sad about that fish tank! It seriously looked so nice and it is especially special because Chad did such a good job building it. Laine is such a cutie. I am sure the wall-free walking will be soon. Look out! We'll see if mellow little Laine will turn into a destructive little man like mine...

Logan and Tracie said...

I'm so sad you guys are moving! I definetly want to get together before that happens. I can't believe how fast he is growing! AND you get to soon find out what the sex of your new baby is! So exciting!