Friday, January 21, 2011

We Love Our Bundle of JOY

Here we are wide awake as always... I swear this boy never sleeps :) It's a good thing he is so super cute and such a good boy... this is his bounce chair that he loves. He kicks and stares at everything with his big eyes :) Among other things now Laine loves to dance and smile and look at pictures of himself. He's already quite the energetic baby. Although if I do need him to sleep I usually have to go walking or jogging with him and he likes that. He is certainly not a fan of his car seat though... Other than that this boy as we like to say is our "bundle of JOY!"


Heather Curtis said...

L-O-V-E that outfit! He is so cute! I can't wait to see him next week! Hooray! He is way too small to be a Paxman blood baby boy, but maybe the hugeness is yet to come. :)

Robert & Amber Salmon said...

He looks so much older then when I saw him 3 weeks ago! Babies grow so fast. Mine included. Savor the moment :)