Monday, January 31, 2011

Fun Times with Little Yaine (Laine)

Laine has been growing fast and now is at least 13lbs and 25in long. He plays lots during the day making himself a little over tired at times, but still the cutest most fun baby. Some of his new favorite things are staring at his daddy's eyes, pictures, his name on the wall above his changing table and hitting his toys with his hands and smiling and giggling as he does it :)


Heather Curtis said...

I love the picture of him looking at his name. Babies stare at the oddest things. I love it. He is soooo cute! I'm sad I didn't get to see him last week. Hopefully I will sometime soon...

Robert & Amber Salmon said...

Laine is so wide-eyed and alert. Come and visit me Laine!